
Kyu Grade Syllabus

Beginner to 9th Kyu – White to Orange Belt

Kihon – Basic Techniques (Combinations)

1. Jodan oi tsuki – (Jo-Dan-Oy-Zuky) – Stepping punch to the face

2. Chudan oi tsuki – (Choo-Dan-Oy-Zuky) – Stepping punch to the stomach

3. Jodan age uke – (Aggy-Ookay) – Rising block to the face

4. Chudan soto uke – (Sot-Toe-Ookay) Outside block to the stomach

5. Chudan uchi uke – (Oochy-Ookay) Inside block to the stomach (hand from underneath)

6. Jodan mae geri – (My-Gery*) Front snap kick to the face * ‘G’ pronounced as in ‘G’oal not ‘G’iraffe

7. Chudan mae geri – Front snap kick to the stomach

Kata – Pre-arranged form

Kihon Kata (Key-Hon-Cata) – Basic form

Kumite – (Coo-Mit-Ay) Sparring

Sanbon Ippon Kumite – 3 step sparring

1. Jodan oi tsuki

2. Chudan oi tsuki


9th Kyu to 8th Kyu – Orange to Red Belt

Kihon – Basic Techniques (Combinations)

1. Jodan oi tsuki – Stepping punch to the face

2. Chudan oi tsuki – Stepping punch to the stomach

3. Jodan age uke – Rising block to the face

4. Chudan soto uke – Outside block to the stomach

5. Chudan uchi uke – Inside block to the stomach

6. Chudan shuto uke (Back stance) – (Shoe-Toe-Ookay) – Knife hand block to the stomach

7. Jodan mae geri – Front snap kick to the face

8. Chudan mae geri – Front snap kick to the stomach

9. Yoko geri keage (Kiba dachi – Horse riding stance) (YoKo-Gery-Key-Aggy) – Side snap kick

10. Yoko geri kekomi (Kiba dachi) – (YoKo-Gery-Kek-Oh-Me) – Side thrust kick

Kata – Pre-arranged form

Heian Shodan – (Hey-Ann-Show-Dan) – Basic step one

Kumite – Sparring

Gohon Ippon Kumite – 5 step sparring

1. Jodan oi tsuki

2. Chudan oi tsuki


8th Kyu to 7th Kyu – Red to Yellow Belt


1. Sanbon tsuki – 3 punch combination (stepping Jodan, double Chudan)

2. Age uke, gyaku tsuki (Guy-Akku-Zuky) – Rising block, reverse punch on the spot

3. Soto uke, gyaku tsuki – Outside block, reverse punch

4. Uchi uke, gyaku tsuki – Inside block, reverse punch

5. Shuto uke – Knife hand block

6. Jodan mae geri – Front snap kick to the face

7. Chudan mae geri – Front snap kick to the stomach

8. Yoko geri keage (Kiba dachi) – Side snap kick

9. Yoko geri kekomi (Kiba dachi) – Side thrust kick


Heian Nidan – Basic step two


Gohon Ippon Kumite – 5 step sparring

1. Jodan oi tsuki

2. Chudan oi tsuki


7th Kyu to 6th Kyu – Yellow to Green Belt


1. Sanbon tsuki

2. Age uke, gyaku tsuki, gedan barai

3. Soto uke, empi uchi – Elbow strike

4. Uchi uke, gyaku tsuki

5. Shuto uke, nukite – Spear hand

6. Mae ren geri – two kicks, jodan, chudan

7. Yoko geri keage

8. Yoko geri kekomi


Heian Sandan


Kihon Ippon Kumite – 1 step sparring (right side then left)

1. Jodan oi tsuki

2. Chudan oi tsuki


6th Kyu to 5th Kyu – Green to Purple Belt


1. Sanbon tsuki

2. Age uke, gyaku tsuki, gedan barai

3. Soto uke, empi uchi, uraken

4. Uchi uke, kizame tsuki, gyaku tsuki

5. Shuto uke, mae geri, nukite

6. Mae ren geri

7. Yoko geri keage

8. Yoko geri kekomi


Heian Yondan


Kihon Ippon Kumite

1. Jodan oi tsuki

2. Chudan oi tsuki

3. Chudan Mae geri

4. Chudan Yoko geri kekomi


5th Kyu to 4th Kyu – Purple to Purple and White Striped Belt


1. Sanbon tsuki

2. Age uke, gyaku tsuki, gedan barai

3. Soto uke, empi uchi, uraken, gyaku tsuki

4. Uchi uke, kizame tsuki, gyaku tsuki

5. Shuto uke, mae geri, nukite

6. Mae ren geri

7. Yoko geri keage

8. Yoko geri kekomi

9. Mawashi geri


Heian Godan


Kihon Ippon Kumite

1. Jodan oi tsuki

2. Chudan oi tsuki

3. Chudan Mae geri

4. Chudan Yoko geri kekomi


4th Kyu to 3rd Kyu – Purple and White to Brown Belt


1. Sanbon tsuki, gedan barai

2. Age uke, gyaku tsuki, gedan barai

3. Soto uke, empi uchi, uraken, gyaku tsuki, gedan barai

4. Uchi uke, kizame tsuki, gyaku tsuki, gedan barai

5. Shuto uke, mae geri, nukite

6. Mae ren geri

7. Yoko geri keage

8. Yoko geri kekomi

9. Mawashi geri

10. Ushiro geri


Tekki Shodan


Kihon Ippon Kumite

1. Jodan oi tsuki

2. Chudan oi tsuki

3. Chudan Mae geri

4. Chudan Yoko geri kekomi

5. Mawashi geri


3rd Kyu to 2nd Kyu Ho – Brown to Brown and 1 White Stripe Belt


1. Kizame tsuki jodan, oi tsuki chudan, gyaku tsuki chudan

2. Mae geri, oi tsuki jodan, gyaku tsuki chudan

3. Yoko geri kekomi, uraken jodan, gyaku tsuki chudan

4. Mawashi geri, uraken jodan, gyaku tsuki chudan

5. Ushiro geri, uraken jodan, gyaku tsuki chudan


Bassai Dai


Ju Ippon Kumite – Semi-freestyle fighting

1. Jodan oi tsuki

2. Chudan oi tsuki

3. Mae geri chudan

4. Yoko geri kekomi chudan

5. Mawashi geri

6. Ushiro geri chudan


2nd Kyu Ho to 2nd Kyu – Brown and 1 White Stripe to Brown and 2 White Stripes


2nd Kyu to 1st Kyu Ho – Brown and 2 White Stripes to Brown and 1 Red Stripe

Both gradings are exactly the same as previous (for 3rd Kyu to 2nd Kyu Ho)


1st Kyu Ho to 1st Kyu – Brown and 1 Red Stripe to Brown and 2 Red Stripes / Black with 1 white stripe


1. Kizame tsuki jodan, oi tsuki chudan, gyaku tsuki chudan

2. Mae geri, oi tsuki jodan, gyaku tsuki chudan

3. Yoko geri kekomi, uraken jodan, gyaku tsuki chudan

4. Mawashi geri, uraken jodan, gyaku tsuki chudan

5. Ushiro geri, uraken jodan, gyaku tsuki chudan

6. Mae geri, yoko geri kekomi, mawashi geri, ushiro geri, uraken jodan, gyaku tsuki chudan


Bassai Dai


Ju Ippon Kumite – Semi-freestyle fighting

1. Jodan oi tsuki

2. Chudan oi tsuki

3. Mae geri chudan

4. Yoko geri kekomi chudan

5. Mawashi geri

6. Ushiro geri chudan


FULL 1st Kyu to Shodan (1st Dan) – Brown and 2 Red Stripes / Black with 1 white stripe  to Black Belt


1. Kizame tsuki jodan, oi tsuki chudan, gyaku tsuki chudan

2. Mae geri, oi tsuki jodan, gyaku tsuki chudan

3. Yoko geri kekomi, uraken jodan, gyaku tsuki chudan

4. Mawashi geri, uraken jodan, gyaku tsuki chudan

5. Ushiro geri, uraken jodan, gyaku tsuki chudan

6. Mae geri, yoko geri kekomi, mawashi geri, ushiro geri, uraken jodan, gyaku tsuki chudan

7. Mae geri, oi tsuki, gyaku tsuki, gedan barai, gyaku tsuki, mawashi geri, uraken, oi tsuki

8. (Whilst standing on one leg) Mae geri, yoko geri kekomi, ushiro geri


Students choice of – Jion, Kanku Dai, Enpi or Hungetsu

Grading examiners choice of – Any Heian Kata plus Tekki Shodan


Ju Ippon Kumite – Semi-freestyle fighting

1. Jodan oi tsuki

2. Chudan oi tsuki

3. Mae geri chudan

4. Yoko geri kekomi chudan

5. Mawashi geri

6. Ushiro geri chudan

Ju Kumite – Full-freestyle fighting